30 years The Moscow Times

And the future of independent Russian journalism

30 years The Moscow Times

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Russia’s first-ever independent daily newspaper The Moscow Times was launched thirty years ago. Today The Moscow Times is a digital platform operating in exile from Amsterdam. This is not the time for a party. But we want to mark the occasion with an evening where we honor our past and look at the future of independent journalism in Russia. We’ll do this with a group of prominent journalists- all of whom used to write for The Moscow Times.

Femke Halsema, mayor of Amsterdam, will open the evening. Twan Huys will be the moderator. Guests include Derk Sauer– founder of The Moscow Times, former editors Eva Hartog (now RTL, De Groene Amsterdammer, Politico), Mikhail Fishman (now TVRain), reporter Pjotr Sauer (now Guardian) and Alexander Gubsky (publisher of The Moscow Times).

Special guest is former Moscow Times journalist and now bestselling author of “Putin’s PeopleCatherine Belton. Twan Huys will interview her by video.




30 Jaar The Moscow Times 

En de toekomst van de onafhankelijke Russische pers

Dertig jaar geleden verscheen The Moscow Times, het eerste Engelstalige dagblad in Moskou. Nu dertig jaar later is The Moscow Times een digitaal platform en opereert het noodgedwongen vanuit Amsterdam. Daarom geen feest, maar we willen toch stilstaan bij deze historische gebeurtenis en kijken naar de toekomst van onafhankelijke journalistiek in Rusland. Dat doen we in een debatavond met prominente journalisten die de kolommen van The Moscow Times volschreven.

Burgemeester Femke Halsema opent de avond, Twan Huys is gespreksleider en gasten zijn The Moscow Times oprichter Derk Sauer, voormalige hoofdredacteuren Eva Hartog (nu RTL, De Groene, Politico), Mikhail Fishman (nu TVRain), reporter Pjotr Sauer (nu Guardian) en Alexander Gubsky (uitgever van The Moscow Times).

Special guest is Catherine Belton– voormalig Moscow Times reporter en auteur van de bestseller ‘De Mannen van Poetin’ die door Twan Huys per video wordt geïnterviewd.


Femke Halsema

Mayor of Amsterdam.





Twan Huys 

Dutch journalist, television presenter, television producer and author.




Derk Sauer 

Founder of The Moscow Times, Vedomosti, RBK and Independent Media. Lived in Russia for the pas 32 years.





Pjotr Sauer

Russian affairs correspondent for The Guardian. He was previously a reporter at The Moscow Times.





Eva Hartog 

Dutch journalist and reporter for RTL, contributor to De Groene Amsterdammer and Politico Europe. She was previously the editor in chief of The Moscow Times. 



Mikhail Fishman

Russian journalist and television presenter. He anchores the TV Rain (Dozhd) show ‘And So On’. He previously was editor in chief of The Moscow Times.




Catherine Belton

Journalist, previously a reporter of The Moscow Times and writer of the international bestseller ‘Putin’s People: How the KGB Took Back Russia and Then Took On the West’.





Alexander Gubsky

Publisher of The Moscow Times, Publisher of business newspaper VTimes, former deputy Editor-in-Chief and founder of Russia’s popular newspaper Vedomosti

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